House numbers

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Re: House numbers

Post by sejintenej »

AKAP wrote:
dsmg wrote:It's probably a number that stays with you all your life. I use mine (House initials and number) for my Internet, banking, credit card etc passwords.
Probably best not to publish this on an open internet.
It's better to change computer / internet / banking / etc passwords at regular intervals like perhaps monthly. One I used to include at work was Alt-255 (press the Alt key and type 255) at the end of a password; confuses the bejeebers out of everyone because it is a blank but nobody knows how many blanks there are on the end! (Some companies insist on the use of unusual keys but others won't allow them.)
For the less computer literate every character has an associated number which you could type in in this way but of course a qwerty keyboard is quicker and easier. I think you cannot use the space bar in a password but this can work!
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