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Unofficial Christ's Hospital Forum

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Appropriate Use and Privacy Disclaimer:
The Unofficial Christs Hospital (CH) Forum is not responsible for the accuracy and nature of content posted in our forum, nor are we liable for any information which could be offensive and/or lead to any damage to the browser, personal, private, public corporations, any forum participant, or use in any other capacity.
We monitor our content regularly, moderating content as appropriate, and we ask that all of our forum participants ask, answer, and post only appropriate material, and that they refrain from using offensive language.
Users are asked to refrain from any defamation to an individual, including anything which could be deemed to undermine the ethos of Christs Hospital, or anything that attacks the reputation of an individual or CH in general.
This includes misrepresentation, insinuation or falsehood, rather than an opinion, since anyone can hold an opinion of their own.
Users are also asked to refrain from using anything which is CH copyright materials.

Grove Geeks