Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

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Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by bosty94 »

Hi everyone

I haven't been on this site since April of last year when it finally became clear that my daughter, who was on the waiting list for Year 7 entry, was unfortunatley probably not going to get a place. Ofcourse I wished everyone all the best, but it was a little painful and we needed to move on.

A couple of weeks ago, I nearlly fell over when I was contacted by post by CH. We were told that some places had come up for Year 8 entry, and asked if we would still be interested. Apparently my daughter would need to be reassessed. I called admissions and was told that the same letter had been written to 21 children for Year 8 entry. I believe that the number of girls on the waiting list originally for Year 7 entry (now Year 8) was originally 6. And I know that at least two of these girls did get in, leaving a maximum of 4. I was wondering if anyone would know why it might be that as many as 21 children were written to? Have there been a large number of children who have left in Year 7 this year? Or have the school decided to create some more places for the year?

If anyone could shed any light on this, I would be so grateful. It's just I would really like to try and gauge how many children would be competing for the same place as my daughter. It was all quite an emotional rollercoaster for my her .She wanted it so much, and worked really hard to prepare herself. She really bonded with other girls on the residential, one of whom was also later on the waiting list, and so they would e-mail every day. One day other little girl was offered a place. We were delighted for her but it was hard for my daugher sometimes, and painful.

She is now settled at her new school, but would still love to go to CH. And due to dificult family circumstances, I believe it would be the best place for her. However, if I could work out how many children she will be competing against for the place, it would really help us to prepare ourselves before we embark on this journey again. Sorry for rambling.
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by barwen »

Hi Katrina, please go to your private mail box with reference your post or e mail.
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by ailurophile »

Bosty94 wrote
She is now settled at her new school, but would still love to go to CH. And due to dificult family circumstances, I believe it would be the best place for her. However, if I could work out how many children she will be competing against for the place, it would really help us to prepare ourselves before we embark on this journey again.
As far as I know there is not going to be a mass exodus of the existing second formers over the summer; however, something I saw recently (in a letter from the Head? I can't find it now of course...) indicated that this years intake had been smaller than usual. I know that in my son's House there are only six second formers rather than the usual eight. Presumably this was a decision that the school made for financial reasons, maybe they were hoping for a number of full fee payers and day pupils who failed to materialise. It does seem odd that they would now seek to fill these places by offering a second chance at competitve entry to children who have had to overcome their disappointment of a year ago and settle into other schools. I can see why you might be unsettled by the whole situation Bosty!

Why not ask the admissions department direct for some clarification of how many children are being invited to compete, and for how many places? This does not seem like an unreasonable question to ask, and I'm quite sure that they would understand your concerns. Good luck in whatever you decide to do!
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by ReallyMissingHer »

I wonder if they are seeking to fill places in year 8 and 9 that have become vacant. I know there are several girls that have left over the first 2 years that would now be in year 9. Because they start their GCSE courses in year 9 it's perhaps wiser to get new entrants to start in year 8 to come to terms with boarding and get used to the school before making GCSE choices etc.

From an accountants point of view having the school at capacity is still probably contributing to overheads unless non of the new entrants are paying any fees at all (unlikely!)
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Donald »

My son secured a Presentation at least years year 7 intake, but fell at the last hurdle to get a place (he went to pieces overnight and failed his English paper). I was contacted in Feb and duly completed the forms for a place in year 8 from the waiting list.... Only to receive a letter last week telling me that he would not be given the opportunity to compete for a place. He is a scholarship boys at another school (we have had to move away from friends and family, far from ideal), he secured top grades for all academic subjects this half term, and his circumstances were considered difficult enough to warrant a Presentation. I simply don't understand.
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by J.R. »

ReallyMissingHer wrote:I wonder if they are seeking to fill places in year 8 and 9 that have become vacant. I know there are several girls that have left over the first 2 years that would now be in year 9. Because they start their GCSE courses in year 9 it's perhaps wiser to get new entrants to start in year 8 to come to terms with boarding and get used to the school before making GCSE choices etc.

From an accountants point of view having the school at capacity is still probably contributing to overheads unless non of the new entrants are paying any fees at all (unlikely!)

You might very well say that !! I wouldn't possibly dare comment ! :evil:
John Rutley. Prep B & Coleridge B. 1958-1963.
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Chris Blewett »

Donald wrote:My son secured a Presentation at least years year 7 intake, but fell at the last hurdle to get a place (he went to pieces overnight and failed his English paper). I was contacted in Feb and duly completed the forms for a place in year 8 from the waiting list.... Only to receive a letter last week telling me that he would not be given the opportunity to compete for a place. He is a scholarship boys at another school (we have had to move away from friends and family, far from ideal), he secured top grades for all academic subjects this half term, and his circumstances were considered difficult enough to warrant a Presentation. I simply don't understand.
Stupid question I know - have you asked anyone at the school to explain???
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Donald »

I haven't contacted the school. I don't know what to think or say really. When he was refused last year, his Headmaster couldn't believe that he had not come up to scratch academically and took up the baton for him.... but despite pushing did not receive a response from CH (which he was stunned by). I have been informed that he has been taken off the waiting list and thats that. I was told originally that the waiting list was permanent... and carried on year to year. Not so now.
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Chris Blewett »

That does sound hard - when the time is right for you it wouldn't hurt to contact the school and see what happens. If nothing else then you will get an answer to the question and if no answer comes at least you've tried!
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Antinous1 »

Donald wrote:My son secured a Presentation at least years year 7 intake, but fell at the last hurdle to get a place (he went to pieces overnight and failed his English paper). I was contacted in Feb and duly completed the forms for a place in year 8 from the waiting list.... Only to receive a letter last week telling me that he would not be given the opportunity to compete for a place. He is a scholarship boys at another school (we have had to move away from friends and family, far from ideal), he secured top grades for all academic subjects this half term, and his circumstances were considered difficult enough to warrant a Presentation. I simply don't understand.
I don't know about anyone else but I am seriously bothered when I read stories like this. We all know that competitive entry into secondary schools is a pressured and unpleasant business, with the risk of failure and its attendant heartbreak part and parcel of the whole business, BUT CH goes out of its way to solicit applications from the most vulnerable and needy families and surely it can do better than this by such children?

The application process that families go through for the school is one of the most intrusive I can think of - all your family's finances and failings laid bare for strangers to weigh-up against the problems and miseries of others. Just the very process of saying why this school and no other will do for your child forces you to realise that what you have on offer locally, be it educationally, at home or socially, is just not good enough, which adds to your desperation if the child doesn't gain a place. Applying for a Presentation adds yet another list of strangers to expose your desperation to. Unsuccessful applications for a Presentation receive no response at all ..... it's a bit like sending off a message in a bottle begging for help, but not knowing if it will even reach shore.

The child itself is shown this amazing glimpse of paradise (and believe me, for a child from an inner city estate, CH is paradise) on Open Days and at the residential assessment and told that this is a possibility if only it is 'good enough', or 'needy enough', or a mysterious combination of the two. You have to encourage your child to believe that a) this is the right school for them and b) that they have a chance of gaining a place in order to give them the confidence which the school will be looking for at the residential tests, while all the time wondering if you are just setting them up for an enormous fall.

Personally, given all this, I don't think that, for children who fail at the residential stage, a simple 'sorry you have not been offered a place' is enough. The application process for this unique school has been made very personal and I think that a personal statement to rejected families is called for, even if it is only so that they feel their circumstances have been acknowledged ( "I'm so sorry that we weren't able to offer Joe a place this year. Although your husband's health problems mean that he would clearly benefit from the boarding aspect of a place at CH his test results indicated very clearly that he would not cope with the academic side." or ".... although his test results were very impressive we decided that this year other children with similar results had a more pressing need for a place at the school."). Quite apart from that though, I think that someone in Donald's position should voluntarily be offered a proper explanation of what has gone on and why they are not being put forward for a Year 8 place, after the school approached them with the idea it might be possible. It goes without saying I think that if the headmaster of a primary school is motivated enough to write in support of a pupil that letter should be at least acknowledged.

I know that not everyone who applies to CH can be offered a place, and that the people who fail have to learn to live with that and move on, but how can they if a year later they are enticed into thinking it might all be possible again? This really does seem unkind in the extreme.

As a side note I did wonder if Donald's original post, saying that his child is a now a scholarship student and doing well academically, gives the clue to what has gone on here? Perhaps the school just thinks that he has a good school place now and they are keen to offer their Year 8 opportunities to people who have not been so lucky? I really hope this is the case!

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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by ailurophile »

Well said Antinous!! I too am bothered when I hear about the experiences of families like Donald's, and I couldn't agree more with the points you've made in your thoughtful and sensitive post.
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Donald »

Thanks Antonious, I agree with you. HOWEVER, without airing all my personal circumstances, I've moved heaven and earth to put him into a decent school and we are away from friends and family (his entire family consists of me, one Aunt- and we haven't seen her for six months- and two grown up cousins). Thats it. There has been a lot of death in his life, one coming up in the next couple of months. He had a fantastic Presentor who would have made an enormous difference to his life. Are they taking only the very cleverest kids, or only Christians, are they looking at the whole child or just ticking boxes? Are they holding places back for fee paying kids? There needs to be far more transparency, and there should be some kind of mechanism for them to be accountable. Its far too opaque for this day and age, particularly now that they are actively marketing for fee payers.
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Chris Blewett »

I can only agree with the above comments - I have not had to go through the hoops to try and get my children into CH so I cant talk from experience.

But........it seems only caring and courteous to provide a proper individual explanation of the decisions of the school. I would also have hoped that there would have been a little caring support for the families who are unsuccessful (its not a decision that affects just the child but the whole family).

It does seem that the process is more like applying for a job rather than applying for a place from a Christian Foundation School with Charitable status
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Katharine »

I agree with Chris, I find stories like Donald's very disturbing. As someone who was brought up to almost revere the Foundation (for newcomers I am the daughter, niece, sister and aunt of other OBs) it goes against everything I have always believed about it.
Katharine Dobson (Hills) 6.14, 1959 - 1965
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Re: Waiting list children contacted for Year 8 entry

Post by Chris Blewett »

Katharine - Housey must be in your blood????

I too weep for a Foundation that helped to make me what I am (and although I wasn't 100% happy I acknowledge the debt I owe it) that seems to get it so wrong. Do the Admissions staff not care........or are they just 'doing a job'??

Roll on Friday and me winning the £117m - wonder if I could buy the school with that!!
LHB, Th A 1968-Xmas 73
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