Welcome to the unofficial Christ's Hospital Forum - for discussing everything CH/Old Blue related. All pupils, parents, families, staff, Old Blues and anyone else related to CH are welcome to browse the boards, register and contribute.
(tallest boy, who appears to be in top row, is actually standing on left in the second row)
Top: Nick Elliot, Buster Howes, Julian Pinhay, Rory Farquhar-Thomson
Next: Martin Stroud, Andy Quest, Derek Cuff, Mark Lindsay-Bayley, Nick McInerny
Next: Ian Harris, Gerard Hall, ?, Paul Minchin, Steve Hall
Front: ?, Richard Pearey, ?, Andrew Bing
Well done SPOON BALL. Your memory and brain seems to be still in good working order. I doubt you played against him though ! Part 2: I have just found out SPOONBILL ( AKA in real life Ben SWEENY) died last year. Farewell my anon friend, I enjoyed our comunications ! See you in the next life Marra, but hopefully in the same house.