Fat women and babies - something to chew on...

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Is it fair to exclude fat women from IVF?

Yes - lardy ladies should adopt instead
No - they should be allowed the chance to have children
I'm hungry - what was the question again?
Fiona Bruce is nice
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Post by Jude »


I have skimmed the past 5 pages as it got to the point of trying to walk through set porridge at times.

Lets take each item one at a time

1) IVF - consider this - if we do not procreate we loose many things in the gene pool, which thanks to Adolf Hitler was reduced by 300,000 in WWII. If you can not procreate without assistance who should judge you? Who has the right over life and death? No one really has that right. I was lucky - I had no problems conceiving - just giving birth - and I got one of each - yet had I not had children - there goes another gene from the line of Jews - (which is much reduced). In the last ice age the gene pool was reduced entirely by Mother Nature herself to 1/3 of what it was. Ergo - the current gene pool means that we are all related to one another by a long line. In certains parts of the World (and this country) villages are made up entirely of people from their own family - thus their genes are all very very similar (no doubt after a term or so of doing Human Genetics my daughter will tell me more!) This means inter-breeding occurs - and it wasn't put in the bible (which is just a book which was created to control people) for no good reason - even then writers could see what inbreeding did. Thus....... regardless of weight - and I am overweight - but not necessarily due to what I eat - no one can deny couples the right to ATTEMPT to conceive their OWN offspring.

2. Smoking / Weight / etc....
What a nancy pancy government we have got - I hope all of you have now gone out and re-purchased your booster seets for your up to 11 year olds..... on the spot fines and points on your licesne - that's if the police aren't allowed to tow your car away.....

IF all the revenue gained by the government from us smokers was put into the NHS it would run itself very happily. We are encouraged to smoke - or were - and then became addicted - OK DBTS you are a "saint" and gave up over 30 yrs ago, and I know full well your feelings about smokers... but YOU ONCE SMOKED - and you thought it was cool and clever and something enticed you to do it for all those years. If every smoker in the UK stopped smoking the government would fall over with no money. So - put the revenue from our smoking into the NHS and everyone gets treated.

Weight - some people cannot help their weight - I have had a great many drugs to help me live (perhaps I should have died then? and saved the NHS more money?) And don't anyone start on about everyone can help their weight - I know I can't help my weight - I was a size14, commuting to London from Glos everyday, never had time to eat, and yet within a short time I was a size 16, then a size 18... why? Because no one had realised that I had a thyroid problem, and for over 3 years it went untreated. Without thyroxine your body cannot metabolise anything. You become a slug without trying. Add into that mix a few other things like bad back from nursing (and yes today you can sue - in my day it was Crown Property and you couldn't) and you have a person who has very low metabolism unable to move around much. All it requires is part of a gene to be turned on or off to make a person fat or thin - it can be as simple as that - so please don't just think we are fat because we eat all the time.

3) Religion
Don't start - were you never told that religion, politics and education were not suitable topics for dinner table discussion?

Yes - you are all from us Jews. Christians - you just accepted the a man called Jesus (now a swear word) is your prophet - we Jews are still waiting (I s'pose it's called hedging our bets?) Islam etc. the same - we were all issued with originally the same texts - reason???? To control the maurauding poeple under the Kings/ Dukes/Tzars/Sheiks /etc.. It was a way of making certain that certain things were not done or were done. It was a way of trying to maintain control without being controlling. Why do you think that every religion has the same initial part? In the Old Testament / Torah / Koran it is an eye for an eye - a tooth for a tooth.. then you add a the New testament where it states you should turn the other cheek... and is it any wonder why everyone is confused? you have 4 peoples version of the same thing - in a court of law this would be reduced to just one version taking into consideration the others views! So we end up with high and lo Christians, extremist and liberal Islamics, and Orthodox and Liberal Jews - no wonder the planet is in dissaray.

At the end of the day - you are born, you die, these are known facts - what you do in between is up to you - and really not up to anyone else. The laws governing basic human rights - are there for everyone. So why can't we all stick to them?
Jude Comber (nee Kelynack) 5's 5.38 1975-1980 Herts.
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Post by J.R. »

cj wrote:(Ahem) Returning to the subject of this thread ...

Did anyone see the headlines a couple of days ago exhorting women in their 30s to freeze their eggs before it's too late (after 9pm?)?
All seems a little pointless when they've usually 'got a headache !'.

What next with frozen eggs. Men with a severly strained right wrist ??
John Rutley. Prep B & Coleridge B. 1958-1963.
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Post by Rory »

Jude wrote:the current gene pool means that we are all related to one another by a long line
looking at this forum - THAT'S A REALLY SCARY THOUGHT...
J.R. wrote:What next with frozen eggs.
Is that anything to do with women being frigid?

Actually - as this is a cooking thread - note Jude's language in last post "skimmed" ..."porridge" etc.etc. on a more serious note - I think it's wrong to freeze eggs. ... Freezing causes the yolk to become thick and syrupy so it will not flow like an unfrozen yolk or blend very well with the egg white or other ingredients. So - be warned...
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Post by icomefromalanddownunder »

Rory wrote:Actually - as this is a cooking thread - note Jude's language in last post "skimmed" ..."porridge" etc.etc. on a more serious note - I think it's wrong to freeze eggs. ... Freezing causes the yolk to become thick and syrupy so it will not flow like an unfrozen yolk or blend very well with the egg white or other ingredients. So - be warned...

Who remembers the powdered egg we were subjected to at Hertford?

Mmmmmmm birdynumnums (not).
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Post by englishangel »

powdered egg, I had forgotten that, thanks Caroline.
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Post by icomefromalanddownunder »

englishangel wrote:powdered egg, I had forgotten that, thanks Caroline.

You're very welcome Mary.

I was reminded of it a couple of days ago when a colleague, whose kids have just started work at Maccas, was telling us all about Macca Myths - one being that the eggs they use are powdered. I had heard this tale before, and was absolutely amazed that anyone could construct something that looked anything like an egg - yellow centre, white around the outside - from powdered material. What convinced me was that none of us have ever seen one with a broken yolk :wink:
Caroline Payne (nee Barrett)
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Post by Jude »

c'mon - we will confuse poor Kerren again - back to the subject topic -

If I was young, had no children, but wanted some, and had to undergo chemotherapy for cancer I would like to have some of my eggs frozen - at least I could then choose the sperm from a sperm bank! What's so wrong with women freeing their ova? Men get PAID to donate their sperm in the USA!

Perhaps as women are putting off childbirth (and I do forgive them in this!) until later in life, they should be made to donate ova (correct term for female unfertilised eggs - just to unconfuse those of you who are about to rush to Trashco's to buy 15 chicken eggs to freeze.....) then childless couples can choose both ova and sperm!!

Brave New World here we come!!!
Jude Comber (nee Kelynack) 5's 5.38 1975-1980 Herts.
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Post by Hendrik »

Rory wrote:I find this whole topic very unsettling.
Because someone else is making a judgement call about what is good and what isn't.
For example I smoke and drink a bit - and if I get ill, I might go to hospital and expect treatment. Then some clever clogs says - Ah - you chose to smoke and you knew it was bad for you so Sod Off - we're not going to treat you.
Where does it end.

Then we may as well do away with most of the emergency services - because house fires are more often than not caused by carelessness - chip pans etc.
Going back to your point - I don't think that hospitals should interfere in fertility issues. If you can have kids - great - if you can't then you can't. It may seem sad - but look on the bright side - you save a sh1t load of money.
As for the fat / not fat issue - I simply can't understand who thinks that a thin parent is better than a fat one - what a bl**dy nerve. I know some nice fat people and some horrid thin ones.
Why are people so obsessed with weight anyway.
Oh allright - enough is enough. I'm rambling.
sorry rory, i'm with the tories on this one.

why the hell should we pay taxes for these people? why should we sort out other peoples problems?

to hell with all this pension crap. i'm not old so why should i have to fork out for them?

single mothers should go back to their violent ex-boyfiends for support. it's not my problem, is it?

i'm not black and i was born here so why should i have to throw money at asylum seekers? i don't understand why they even need milk coupons, they're all used to being really skinny anyway. infact, given that they're all used to sleeping on the streets in filth and poverty, and being shot at, why don't we just send them to birmingham!

while we're at it, i'm not a woman, i'm 6'1", 13 stone, 21 years old and i'm white. why the hell would i want to pay for policing?

i've never needed an ambulance or fire engine in my life. yet more money potentially saved.

leave the bodies where they are, they're even biodegradble for heavens sake!

really, we don't need taxes at all.
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Post by Mrs C. »

Hello Hendrik!! We missed you!!
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Post by Great Plum »

Everywhere needs a resident communist! ;-)
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Post by cj »

Nice to see you back, Hendrik. Always the voice of reason!
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Post by J.R. »

cj wrote:Nice to see you back, Hendrik. Always the voice of reason!
Although I believe our young friend writes with tongue in cheek, I have to say there are definitely elements of truth in what he has written !

Don't agree with the 'violent boyfriends' bit. They should be sent to Birmingham with the rest !
John Rutley. Prep B & Coleridge B. 1958-1963.
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Post by cj »

Is Birmingham the 'new' Manchester? (Like is brown the 'new' black? Or is Brown the 'new' Blair?)
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Post by J.R. »

cj wrote:Is Birmingham the 'new' Manchester? (Like is brown the 'new' black? Or is Brown the 'new' Blair?)
I would think that Manchester is worse than Birmingham, especially after that young lad was shot three times with a machine pistol in Moss Side !
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Post by midget »

cj wrote:Is Birmingham the 'new' Manchester? Or is Brown the 'new' Blair?)
God forbid
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