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Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:44 pm
by LostInEducation
Pibble wrote:But, and this is a big but well for em anyway, if I could do it all over again and have all the labels and bedding, toiletaries, clothes both civvy and uniform delivered to the school I would and all that time cross checking and checking again lists, then ticking said lists and of course sewing labels I would spend with my DD because once they are gone, they're gone.
I believe you ... already thinking of the time I will "waste" on the train and washing up when DD comes back after 3weeks at the school

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:20 pm
by Atticus
Hi Lostineducation, your dd doesn't need to bring any washing home at leave weekends or half term. It can all be done in house (except delicate stuff). And the train time is great for socialisation - either with you or friends.

It might be a good idea to take your dd's measurements before the NED, and work out what you need from the clothing list - I think that was part of the problem for the slow queue, but dd used it to get to know another new 2nd former her same house.

I remember NED as being really rather exciting, and that it came home to us that she was really going. :shock: Dd loved it, and got on brilliantly with her nursemaid. She is very excited about being a squitma next year. :D

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 10:58 pm
by Pibble
Atticus is right, there is no need to worry about washing etc at leave weekends, the only thing we do is get her to change in to home clothes as soon as she is home so her school civvies can be washed and dry ready to wear for the return trip.

I have to be honest we messed up at our NED. We'd not read the literature properly before hand so didn't realise we could buy stuff there. I basically had enough cash for a vending machine coffee, which in hindsight was pointless there isn't a coffee vending machine there :) , I don't think, and I feel a little responsible for the sports kit delay as we left it very much to the cut off to get our order in with the school. :axe:

The thing that has hit us recently is just how much she has changed since she went, all absolutely positive, but I think we spent so much time making sure all the kit, clothes and DD were good to go, so to speak, we didn't take any time to make sure we were mentally good to go. We'd not prepared ourselves for how much she would blossom and grow and the dynamics of our relationship would change in such a short period of time. She is a little different every time she comes home, 2inches taller as well come to think of it! :lol: although I'm sure this would have happened in some respects going to a local school but of course it would have seemed far less stark a change if we got to see her everyday.

One piece of advice I would give is every time you give them any reassurance, remind yourself its good advice for you as well.

Good luck


Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:10 pm
by Pibble
Are we allowed to say Squits? :D Because we're local DD was asked to help out with the assessment weekend and she was amazed at just how much she'd already learnt about the school and its amazing history, she seemed to walk a little taller when she got home from those two days and it certainly put the final nail in the home sick coffin! She's desperate to find out who got in out of the girls she helped to look after and like Atticus' DD she can't wait to be a Squitma.

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:13 am
by LostInEducation
Thank you for the tips Atticus and Pibble.
I shall be measuring away the day before NED (hoping she does not grow up during the night he he) + I'll make sure I read everything carefully with DD.

Relieved to know that she won't be coming home with her dirty clothes for me to wash and dry in time for her to go back ... In retrospective, I guess it makes sense :oops:

So loking forward to it all!

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:29 pm
by lippizaner
I think my DS will need extra civvies as he will not be coming back to me on Leave Weekends, but staying with his brothers and sisters, who won't have clothes to change him into! Mind you, the way he is now, I think he would be quite happy with one set unwashed for the whole term. Working VERY hard to change this, but it is an uphill battle at the moment!
Did I see on an older post that they needed astro shoes for the astro turf? It is not on the list I was given. Do we no longer need to get those for them? And what are astro shoes when they are at home? Will ordinary trainers do?

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 3:52 pm
by pinkhebe
re astro turf trainers. The boys don't need these, but I think that the girls do (but I could be wrong about the girls :? )

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:09 pm
by lippizaner
Ah! That probably explains it! Thanks.
It is raining really hard here in France, by the way. Very depressing.

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:40 pm
by YadaYada
I think my DS will need extra civvies as he will not be coming back to me on Leave Weekends
He shouldn't do really. My DS doesn't come home for LWs and he doesn't take extra civvies, nor do I take extra clothes for him to wear. Your DS will just have to get used to the rota of which washing goes in on which day. Giving him fewer civvies might help him be more focused in this respect!

Mind you, mine does like to store his washing up for home - apparently no-one does it like Mum! Ahh!

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:01 pm
by lippizaner
MIne likes to store his washing up on the floor of his room, jumbled up with his clean clothes. I have just had to resort to bribery (a bar of chocolate as it is Saturday so sweetie night) to get him to have a shower and wash his hair.

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 8:46 pm
by CHDad
My son used to be like that, now, since being at CH he is fastidious about showering daily. At CH he has a shower in the morning and another after sport. Apparently his room is also tidy at CH now (it wasnt at first), however we still await an improvement in his room at home!

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:10 pm
by lippizaner
So there is hope!
He once, when he was about seven, in all sincerity, leant towards me and said in a hushed voice - "I'm not from your planet." How true.
I shall count on CH turning him into a boy that likes showering. Oh no, there go a large host of flying pigs.

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 9:42 pm
by Atticus
I'm feeling very guilty - dd is great at keeping her dorm area tidy, and is ok at home, apart from expecting everything to be done for her. But it's me that takes over her room, uses it as a general dumping/pre ironing pile and has a mad dash to tidy it up before she comes back . C- for me !! :oops:

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:03 pm
by pinkhebe
The cat has taken over my son's room - he's most disgruntled when he has to share it!

With regards to showers my son now has a daily shower at school, something I'd never thought would happen. I just wish he'd brush his teeth!

Re: New Entrants'Day

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 8:22 am
by YadaYada
At CH they have no choice but to get organised and to get organised fast! Room and health inspections happen often in Second Form so they do get help if they are struggling with any aspect - such as getting up early enough to get to the shower before breakfast.

An apt card from my DS this morning - along the lines of Mums do all the work and the son just lies on the sofa!