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Re: It's still tough

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:44 pm
by pinkhebe
Fjgrogan wrote:Sounds rather like my husband's attitude to laundry - now if it is not in the laundry basket it doesn't get washed. As a result he saves his dirty washing up for weeks and presents me with a mountain of stuff all at once, ususally needing some of it immediately!
it's feast or famine here too with my husbands socks etc!

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:59 pm
by J.R.
Regarding the three posts above !

The word DISCIPLINE comes to mind !

(I'll get me tin 'at !!)

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 5:58 pm
by Fjgrogan
Precisely JR - if only my husband had been trained to handle his laundry as a teenager, I would not still be dealing with the fallout 50 years later! Be aware all you CH parents - if they can handle their dirty washing sensibly in term time, then they can do so when they are at home. Youngsters will behave according to how we expect them to behave; at school it is taken for granted that if they want things washed they put them in the right place at the right time; at home we allow them to drop thngs at random and we will pick up and wash them. For the sake of their future spouses, start training them now! After all we are not actually expecting them to do their own laundry, just to put it in the laundry basket, or whatever your particular system is. (My husband grew up in a household where his mother and sister were happy to run around after his father and three boys. By the time I got my hands on him the habit was deeply ingrained.)

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:15 pm
by J.R.
On this point, allow me to tell you a little tale about our eldest daughter.

She was the worlds worst as a teenager, catering for her friends when Jan and I were out, and leaving the kitchen like a bomb-site. Several 'words in the ear' failed to work, so on the next occasion, I waited until she was out enjoying herself, collected up all the crockery, pots, pans, knives and forks and placed them neatly inside her already made bed.

Problem solved !!!

She is now one of the most house-proud people I know !

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 6:26 pm
by MW224
Fjgrogan wrote: For the sake of their future spouses, start training them now! After all we are not actually expecting them to do their own laundry, just to put it in the laundry basket, or whatever your particular system is.
Couldn't agree more! As a parent of 3 boys, I ve started 'training' early. And even though they do chores / trades at CH, I do find my self saying to DS when home, 'you re not at school now' particularly when he just sits down waiting for his next meal to be served. The funniest thing was when he had his first leave weekend, came down in the morning ad asked for '2 hash browns, bacon and a sausage please'. Obviously he was joking, but that is what happens at CH and a very big luxury it is too in my opinion! Lucky children!

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 1:57 pm
by pinkhebe
Did anyone else recieve a letter from their offspring today? We did and I can't believe he did it off his own back :shock: I should have guessed as he was checking which county we lived in, and was not convinced I'd told him the right one!

Anyway, maybe they'll teach them next year, how to address an envelope (i.e. To mum and Dad isn't the formal way :D ) and also that if you are sending a letter, it helps if you put a stamp on it! I think the postman felt sorry for him, and let us off the payment :lol:

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 2:24 pm
by Atticus
Pinkhebe, You'll have to frame it;-) but, you are so lucky to receive a letter. Hope your ds having a great term. Where did this year go, can't believe its nearly over !!

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:15 pm
by pinkhebe
The excitment has been steadily building since Parents day, only 3 more days to go :D

I'm really looking forward to 9 weeks with him (squabbles and all), similar to what Yada said on another thread, if the school had been a day school, I would never have contemplated boarding, but it's the best school for my son, and he seems to be enjoying it so we endure it at home. Still I can't wait to have my whole family together again.

65 hours to go! (I think)

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 6:37 am
by CHDad
I,m really looking forward to haing my son home as well, however I wonder how long it will be before he says "I'm bored". That is the only trouble I find, life is so full for them at C.H that much as they love being home it doen'ake long before the novelty wears off !

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 1:00 pm
by SAS
No sooner will I see mine on Sat than she is off on CCF camp. Sniff! Still, at least it will stop her being bored for another week. Will have to keep her occupied by sending her out on Kleeneze deliveries for the holidays!

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:02 pm
by SAS
So good to have her home....even if the washing was truly honky! And great to see Yadayada and DS yesterday! xx

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:37 pm
by YadaYada
Likewise SAS!

I am resigned to the fact that I will always have a love-hate relationship with CH.

Love because it IS the right place for DS,

Hate because it takes DS away from me.

Love, love, love having him home -washing and all!

I think I probably illustrate very well that CH is, and should be, about the student.

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:31 pm
by pinkhebe
YadaYada wrote:Likewise SAS!

I am resigned to the fact that I will always have a love-hate relationship with CH.

Love because it IS the right place for DS,

Hate because it takes DS away from me.

Love, love, love having him home -washing and all!

I think I probably illustrate very well that CH is, and should be, about the student.

I couldn't agree more.

As an aside, I received the house photo today, are they not allowed to smile?

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:20 am
by CHDad
I agree it's great to have DS home. It seems to take him a few days to adjust to being back at home and I think we are now comfortably back in "home" mode. My son does seem to lead two separate lives, when he is at school he is totally engrossed with Ch life and his friends there, when he is at home he reverts to his old school friends (from before CH) and home life. Although he has good CH friends he does not seem to want to meet up wth them in the holidays, although maybe this is something that will change in the future.

Re: It's still tough

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:57 pm
by J.R.
YadaYada wrote:Likewise SAS!

I am resigned to the fact that I will always have a love-hate relationship with CH.

Love because it IS the right place for DS,

Hate because it takes DS away from me.

Love, love, love having him home -washing and all!

I think I probably illustrate very well that CH is, and should be, about the student.

Hear Hear !!