Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Wuppertal »

I'm glad this idea for a pupil council is not truly democratic, as that would never work. People would vote for their friends, rather than for who they think would be the best for the job. Same as on the football pitch where lots of kids pass to a friend in not such a great position rather than passing to someone who's not a close friend but who is in the best position.
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Foureyes »

"rock hard cubes of Lifebuoy soap"
Actually, it was not Lifebuoy, but was made ay Housie, I believe in the laundry which was besdie the gymn/swimming pool, but I do not know how.

You have forgotten "Sprim," flab, and button-sticks for protecting the cloth when polishing brasses on the CCF uniform. Oh, and frogs' spawn, a pudding that I always enjoyed. And then there was coffee on Sunday breakfast, which was made by Miss Stephenson waving a single coffee bean over each urn of boiling water in turn.

To be more serious, I was always under the impression that the channel by which the head heard the views of the pupils was the Senior Grecian, and he/she heard from House Captains and fellow Grecians.
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Tron »

As someone who is in the school council (and not as a result of being a house captain may I add!), I have to say there is a bit of misinformation here. Yes Shane, the proposals that you said were offered did actually exist, but they weren't vetoed at all - the proposals were sent around the houses, and my proposal for a café in Grecians Club for seniors was democratically decided upon, so it seems a tad odd you'd object to it! (And in any case, BAV has actually asked that not all of the £1000 grant go upon the café - some of it will probably be diverted to CHEW for the recycling proposal as they're a tad short of money at the moment) The reasoning behind a café at Grecians Club (and the reasons for its popularity) are as follows - somewhere for pupils to go that a) can actually accomodate more than 10 people at a time, b) will be cheaper than the majority of goods sold at the Sports Centre café, and c) will give groups such as Amnesty International and Global Awareness chances for fundraising through sales at the café. I don't think the intention is to run it for profit anyway - more to run it so it meets costs. Any mention of tuck shop as a social environment is quite irrelevant seeing as (as I think a poster in this thread can testify!) you're often ushered out if you're thought to be getting too noisy!

In any case, other than this there are a few points against your original 'manifesto' of sorts. While I agree strongly with several points (namely the abolishment of using a parent's income to decide whether a Deputy Grecian can enter the school - I don't think the school has quite gotten to the level of using it for Second Form entry! - the repeal of the 25 degrees for three days for half housey rule, and the reinstatement of the full-length rock concert, with all seniors allowed to participate, the removal of an in-house night (mainly because the argument for a second one - that you wouldn't go out every night at home - was really quite lame)), there are some points that I feel aren't quite so relevant.

For starters, 120 pupils in detention a week is a gross overexaggeration - having been in an academic detention on Saturday, I can testify, seeing as they merged the disciplinary and academic detentions into one room because there were only 10 people!
Furthermore, bed-rest does (as I think has already been stated...) still exist, albeit not in the sort of manner that allows one to get out of lessons they don't feel like going to! Bed rest as a concept hasn't even existed in some houses - Lamb's matron in particular would laugh you out of the room I'm sure if you had suggested it!
The Grecians marching point was one that raised ire at the beginning of the year but most people have adjusted anyway. Nobody particularly minds anymore, and, while I thought it more than a tad cynical, I think a certain teacher's point that the only people who complained were the ones who couldn't get out of marching anymore does have a hint of truth to it! (Although granted, you have responded to this in your petition :p)
The creation of a truly democratic student council would be an absoute disaster - I speak from experience seeing as there was a massive backlash at the idea of having an experimental all vegetarian day (with no real arguments put forward against the idea other than 'we need our meat meals' - funnily enough they didn't have a response to the fact that macaroni and cheese is a fairly popular meal option!) which was only pushed through at Vessey's discretion! And, as I'm sure someone must have mentioned by now, how many schools do you know of that are controlled by the pupils?
Having told fellow pupils about the idea, the proposal of the reinstatement of more than one disco a term, and the return to venues such as Big School and Theatre was laughed down - discos are awful nowadays anyway! The atmosphere is basically dead, even when in Big School - and I think Theatre is too oversubscribed nowadays to allow them to stage discos there anymore, which is a shame.

Other than these points though, I do think you are onto something...
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Spartacist »

Mrs C. wrote:yes - who taught you English, Shane??!!
i have not attempted in anyway whatsoever to be gramatically correct or check my spelling as i am touch typing at PACE...

But really, i was taught by various teachers.... and my best subject was english .... (B at AS.... should have done it for A2 also!)
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by lonelymom »

Tron wrote: Other than these points though, I do think you are onto something...
Thanks for clearing that up Tron. But what other points were there, other than those you have dismissed, that you agree with?
lonelymom :rolleyes:
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Tron »

Tron wrote: In any case, other than this there are a few points against your original 'manifesto' of sorts. While I agree strongly with several points (namely the abolishment of using a parent's income to decide whether a Deputy Grecian can enter the school - I don't think the school has quite gotten to the level of using it for Second Form entry! - the repeal of the 25 degrees for three days for half housey rule, and the reinstatement of the full-length rock concert, with all seniors allowed to participate, the removal of an in-house night (mainly because the argument for a second one - that you wouldn't go out every night at home - was really quite lame)), there are some points that I feel aren't quite so relevant.
Does this answer your question? :p
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by lonelymom »

Oh yes, got it! :roll:

Can someone explain what this means please?: 'The repeal of the 25 degrees for three days for half housey rule'.
lonelymom :rolleyes:
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Tron »

lonelymom wrote:Oh yes, got it! :oops:

Can someone explain what this means please?: 'The repeal of the 25 degrees for three days for half housey rule'.
Basically, prior to Franklin we were allowed to wear half housey in summer term regardless of the weather (well, unless it was raining - but most of the time it was warm enough to wear half housey but not particularly hot). Post-Franklin, the temperature has to exceed 25 degrees Celsius for three days running before we're allowed to wear half housey - which strikes me as faintly ridiculous seeing as 25 degrees Celsius is still 25 degrees Celsius in housey regardless of how many days in a row it has been above that temperature!
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by lonelymom »

Well, if that's true it does seem ridiculous. So if we have a heatwave and the temperature soars you still have to sweat for 3 days before you're allowed to go into half housey? How many people have to pass out in the heat before that rule changes?
lonelymom :rolleyes:
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Spartacist »

Tron wrote: Other than these points though, I do think you are onto something...
Hello there Tyron!

Im glad you wrote that essay as it makes alot of things more clear to me.... seeing as I do infact need to rewrite the petition into the FINAL FORM!

With the cafe - several people told me that it was an idea that vessey had agreed to, and that that was all he wanted to allow through (people from school council) and that the other ideas (of which I have mentioned previously) were vetoed for the sake of vetoe(ing) lol.

I have said on that this petition is.... and still is... in draft form, and have given email addresses for current pupils to email to if they have any points they would like to add/refine.

I would be greatful in receiving some info from you collected from your yeargroup/friends, else this will never go anywhere!

I am onto something maybe... but ONLY WITH CURRENT BLUES HELP!

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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by CHAZ »

Spartacist wrote:
CHAZ wrote: In short:


I know you stated that it may not apply to CH, but for some reason i personally disagree with the metaphore anyway.... So far as i see (history for example) Change is... in the majority of cases... for the worse.... Maybe i am being narrow minded, and thanks for the quote... The way Mr Franklin and the new SMT are changing things effects various parts of CH (please check my earlier post) Yes, most of what is on the petition is the currnet students moaning in disagreement with new policies that aren't necessary, but the roots of the disagreement are even deeper than this.... In truth, what was OK in the first place... did not need to change - Mr Franklin could have continued the good work of Dr Southern instead of undoing it.

For example - Under Dr Southern, if you were caught drinking, it wouldn't necessarily be immediate red card or suspension. You may ask why... but the reason to me seem's clear - most people our age this day and age DO drink - it is almost habit. So being allowed a few chances is fair as the pupils themselves may develop into brilliant human beings! I know this was certainly the case for quite a few people on my year.....

Under the new anal SMT, the application of rule is : "if you are caught drinking, you most probably wont get a second chance... or if you do, we will be monitoring you very carefully".... More and more pupils under Mr Franklin are geting suspended or put into detention for next to nothing... and i am witness to this happening under my last year there, and his first year.....


thanks for reading.... ;-) x

Surely Southern brought "good"change comapred to his predecessor and so change can be good?!
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Spartacist »

If, by this... you mean the eradication of bullying and too much hierachy - agreed.

Not change for changes sake. Not change to make a name for yourself....

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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by CHAZ »

Happy with that.

BTW what is your time for 100m sprint?
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Spartacist »

My best was around 11seconds.... pretty good for a white guy that never joined athletics squad - why?
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Re: Repeal major detrimental changes at Christ's Hospital

Post by Wuppertal »

Last edited by Wuppertal on Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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