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Re: Twins

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:48 pm
by LongGone
sejintenej wrote:
J.R. wrote:
michael scuffil wrote:I remember the Bisset twins in Lamb B who came equal first in the steeplechase in 1962.
Another name that rings a very distant bell !!
I also remember them. Were they not the ones who bought proper running shoes and actually trained?
Memories of Flanders and Swan: "They argue with umpires, they cheer when they've won, they practice beforehand..which spoils the fun"

Re: Sandys twins; one of us is answering

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 10:02 pm
by SandysJ
huntertitus wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:01 pm There were twins with the surname Sandys

Something odd happened and they disappeared

There were strange rumours but even if I say what was believed to have happened this post will be edited

Maybe one of them will answer and tell all...
Thanks for worrying about us but nothing odd happened. We both left at the end of GE year. Richard had signed up for an apprenticeship in REME; myself(John) as an engineering technician trainee (or Apprentice in pre-comprehensive speak). That was end of Summer Term 1975.
We both collected our bibles in the leaving service and I had collected a prize for Drama at the Senior ceremony (a separate tale).
Neither of us were overly academic, weren't predicted great O Level results, although both of us came out better than expected, but wanted careers and to start earning.
My last 4 terms, I virtually lived in what was then, the new Theatre, doing stage management, front of house and seemingly most of the cleaning (after shows). Most nights I didn't get back to Thornton A till midnight or later which seemed to be accepted by the Mike Carrington.
Richard seemed to live in the Scout Hut.
Anyhow, came across this forum a few months ago and been my reading since then. Seemed weird to come across you folks wondering if we had been crucified in wicker baskets!

Re: Twins

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:16 am
by loringa
I clearly missed the original post but Richard was not only alive and well but, at least in 2019, running the Hereford and Gloucester OBs. I remember him well from the Scouts when John Shippen tasked him with teaching me meteorology (unsuccessfully). I knew he had a twin but John as I was in a different year and house, and involved in different activities I don't think we would have had anything to do with each other.

Re: Twins

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2022 8:31 am
by SandysJ
Thanks Loringa,
I recognise tour name but can't remember your face.
Yes Richard is still looking after Hereford & Gloucester OBs.
He took it online with Zoom or Teams or whatever during lockdown but they are now back to meeting up. Next event, Brunch on 28th May. 10.30am. at Waggon and Horses, Hucclecote.
I won't be there myself as I reside in Cornwall.

Re: Twins

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 10:41 am
Requested Removal 18 wrote: Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:43 pm John and David Hampson in Maine 84-91 - looked totally different to each other. I vaguely also remember Mat and Michael Harvey who left in I think 1984 ish. Can't remember if they were both school monitors? They really did look identical.

Apart from Charlotte and Emily Jewsbury I can't think of any others :)
The Harvey Twins left CH in 1984 and Matt was a school monitor and HC of Lamb A (poor guy having me as SG) and Mike was in Lamb B. There was a wonderful hockey photo of them on an Old Blue cover Spring 1984 I guess. It was an action photo of great quality and tension. They were identical twins and their Dad was in Army if I recall.

Re: Twins

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 9:35 pm
by MrEd
I distinctly remember two identical twins at CH in the early 1980s, one of whom I believe was eventually a school monitor and his brother (a button Grecian) wasn't, and the only person who could tell them apart was their elder brother (also at CH). Memory is foggy but perhaps the surname was Moore, and perhaps Lamb A or B in the senior years (IIRC). From what I recall they both basically resembles the Milky Bar Kid (a fair-haired 'Harry Potter' if you will). One of them put a small bit of red tape on his glasses to make him stand out from the other.

From what I recall, it was said that to mistake one for the other was a recipe for a robust reaction.

In my year, there were two di-zygotic twins who didn't get on (even at the age of 11) and they were put in separate houses in the early years, ending up in PeA together (where they still didn't get on) but AIUI, they got on better in adulthood.


Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2023 9:01 pm
by sejintenej
Emma Jane wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:03 pm CH produced many many Scouts... Am surprised they haven't taken over the world yet.
You would be surprised.
1959-60 two D of E Golds, 2 Queens scouts. Met the D of E at Buck house.

One was a mainstay in the NHS in the west country. The other got mentions In the FT (front and back pages), involved in trying to solve Nigeria's debt problem and helped deliver food to the starving country (amongst other things)