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Should Ian Huntley Be Allowed....?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:19 pm
by J.R. kill himself.

Ian Huntley has made a second attempt to kill himself in prison.

Why don't we just let him complete the act and do us all a favour ??


Re: Should Ian Huntley Be Allowed....?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:42 pm
by Mid A 15
J.R. kill himself.

Ian Huntley has made a second attempt to kill himself in prison.

Why don't we just let him complete the act and do us all a favour ??

If he wants to kill himself is it not more of a punishment to keep him alive?


Re: Should Ian Huntley Be Allowed....?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:26 pm
by Katharine
Mid A 15 wrote:
J.R. kill himself.

Ian Huntley has made a second attempt to kill himself in prison.

Why don't we just let him complete the act and do us all a favour ??

If he wants to kill himself is it not more of a punishment to keep him alive?

I have been wondering this myself this morning. What would forther punishment achieve now? I think I am inclined to think he should be allowed to kill himself, suicide in itself is no longer a crime.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:37 pm
by sejintenej
If you allow a convicted criminal to commit suicide you remove much of the threat of punishment.
Let the criminal suffer (and I also advocate reduced cell temperature, fewer (if any) visits, no priveledges, 25 hours a day in cells ....) to make them really fear going back.

We could follow the Turkish precedent and require the prisoner to pay for bed and board before being released - Discuss.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 1:58 pm
by DavebytheSea
Of course, I don't believe in punishment at all! (see earlier thread on the subject)


Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 5:05 pm
by Jolyon
Well our justice system is about rehabilitation, and about protection of society.

As it seems Huntly is utterly beyond redeption it seems he will be serving "life that means life". The question is that for a doctor or court to agree that he should have the right to end his life they would first have to agree that he is of sound mind. And one of the classic symptoms that an individual is NOT of sound mind is attempting suicide. The idea of "prove yourself sane by not trying to killing yourself and then we will let you kill yourself" wanders into the Catch 22 area.

The ongoing situation with Ian Brady shows this is not easily resovled.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 12:22 pm
by J.R.
Some very interesting info came my way last night in our local watering-hole from someone who is very highly placed in Plod.

It seems that Plod want him alive as he is on the brink of making a statement further implicating a certain female. This information, (if true), might well result in a further and longer prison sentence for the said female.