Creative Writing Publisher

Offers of support or requests for support and advice from Old Blues. Personal difficulties, financial advice etc. offered and requested...

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Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:08 pm
Real Name: Kirsty Taylor

Creative Writing Publisher

Post by kv.taylor »


Myself and Jamie Walker (left last year) want to put together an anthology of the work of the Creative Writing Society, which we have both been heavily involved it.

At the end of Michelmas 2007 we hosted the 2nd annual Poetry and Jazz evening, which I organised, and it showed us just how many of the pupils are producing their own creative writing of very high standard. We really want to get some kind of project started, and are looking to Old Blues for help with this.

In Lent 2008, I will be sending out letters to Old Blues the English Department put me in contact with, but in the meantime I just wanted to put the idea out there...

If anyone has a name and contact details for someone who might be interested in helping us put this together, either financially or creatively, I'd be very greatful! Alternatively, anyone who is reluctant to pass on details, could message me and I'll give them my details.


Kirsty Taylor
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