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2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:01 pm
by kittykat
Hello all :)

Who's in favour of a 2012 first form admissions support thread?

Received a letter from CH on Friday with the arrangements for the initial tests in October and the residential tests.

Who wants to hold virtual hands? This is all quite bewildering! :?

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:59 pm
by YadaYada
You'll find lots of support here.....from those in the same boat and those of us who have gone through it recently (is he really going in to LE already?!)

Just ask! It's an exciting but daunting time.

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:46 am
by cupcakemom
Consider your hand held! My dd starts NEXT WEEK!!!

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:53 pm
by kittykat
Thank you Yada Yada and Cupcake Mom - how are you finding it all being CH parents? How do your children find CH? I have so many questions!

Of course, I just shown myself to be a utter fool by calling it the First Form when, of course, I did mean the Second Form! Oh the shame!! :oops:

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:54 pm
by kittykat
Can I edit the title at this late stage? :oops:

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:39 pm
by J.R.
kittykat wrote:Can I edit the title at this late stage? :oops:

I can do it for you, if you PM me with the title you actually want !


Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:01 pm
by YadaYada
Don't worry KittyKat - I hadn't even noticed! I still think in terms of year 7, 8, 9 etc.

Regarding your questions:

I have found this forum really helpful for me as a CH parent because I live a long way away and so don't get a chance to meet up with other parents very often and so it helps me feel part of it. I struggled with the first term (make that the first year perhaps?!) - more than he did I think. The forum helped.

My DS really enjoys CH. There are things he hasn't enjoyed so much but overall he is very happy and enjoying it.

It was definitely the right decision for us and hopefully will be the same for you and your family as well.

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:26 pm
by J.R.
J.R. wrote:
kittykat wrote:Can I edit the title at this late stage? :oops:

I can do it for you, if you PM me with the title you actually want !


The House Rolls title has been amended, by request.

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 7:58 pm
by jodz5052

Here's another hand to add to your collection - feel quite freaked out by the whole thing but my DD is just excited by the prospect of going to CH. Just hope we don't all get horribly disappointed !!

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:26 am
by cupcakemom
jodz5052 - just hang on in there, I know exactly how you are feeling. When my DD fell head over heels in love with CH at an open day (just went to be nosey - never thought she'd actually want to go) I never quite believed I'd get to where I am today .... packing for her first day on Wednesday. Yes, I'll be honest - I found the process very stressful - but mainly because the control freak in me had no power over the outcome! I couldn't sit the exams for her, do the interview, etc it was down to her to simply be herself and shine! What I could do though was provide support at home ... usual parent stuff like making sure she had early nights, helped her with areas she struggled with at school, good diet, etc. I simply had to take the approach "what will be will be". I do honestly think though that if she had not been given a place at CH she still benefited from the process. She had a quiet determination to get in - so not only did she knuckle down at school (oh the joy of her finally getting why times tables are important!!) but she also "practiced" independence ... getting herself up in the morning because, as she put it "I'll have to do it when I'm at CH". I did notice she always used "when" and not "if" and so I did the same ... positive thinking. Yes, in the back of my mind I had to be realistic but, quite frankly, I wanted her to see I had every faith in her and felt, if she didn't get it .. well, we'd cross that bridge when it was necessary to do so.

If my experience is anything to go by - you will find this forum an invaluable font of information, support and communication.

Good luck to you both!

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 2:51 pm
by jodz5052

Well have got through the initial assessment and I am very proud of her even if we go no further. We are applying for an Art Scolarship so are busy getting references etc. It's all starting to become a bit more real. Thanks for the advice !

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 3:24 pm
by lippizaner
Hi Jodz,
well, we got through too, and we too are applying for an art scholarship - I think! It was a bit scary reading the info they sent. What primary school child has a dedicated art teacher, never mind a Head of Art? I feel particularly inadequate as I home ed my DS so all his work is down to me teaching him to do it! What sort of references are you getting? Do you know what we actually need to send off?

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:05 pm
by J.R.
I have very mixed feelings about CH and prospective pupils applying with arts ability..............

With all the (alleged) 'money-problems' at Horsham of late and HMG pushing for Science and Math ability with the scholars of today, preferably who have parents with loads of money.......................

Maybe me just being a cynic again !

Maybe someone should define the word ETHOS correctly..............

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:33 am
by lippizaner
Hi, don't think being artistic stops you being good at maths and science. My particular DS is good at all three, plus languages. So having an art scholarship wouldn't necessarily mean you only got in because of it, just that it would help with fees etc.

Re: 2012 Admissions Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:29 pm
by lippizaner
Hi, anyone know what house they're in yet? We got our notification today, so I'm assuming you all got yours on Saturday? Anyone in Maine B?