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Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:30 am
by Mid A 15
Now the CH pupils live in deluxe 5 star luxury rooms :wink: what happened to the old iron beds , boards, horse hair mattresses and settles 25 or so of which lined the dormitories back in the mists of time?

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:05 am
by Requested Removal 18
Have you not seen the price of scrap metal recently??!!

I know there's a settle and a bed frame in the museum in the sicker but I'd imagine the majority of the old stuff is now baked bean cans and car body parts.

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 5:42 pm
by Avon
Tommy wrote:Have you not seen the price of scrap metal recently??!!

I know there's a settle and a bed frame in the museum in the sicker but I'd imagine the majorty of the old stuff is now baked bean cans and car body parts.
True, there was some serious ironwork in the beds, desks and settles, none of which were in a very serviceable state. Those beds alone must have been 100kgs!

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:50 am
by Eruresto
Wasn't there a big settle sale a few years back? Other than that, I know there are a few dozen in the Scout Hall...

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:48 pm
by J.R.
Eruresto wrote:Wasn't there a big settle sale a few years back? Other than that, I know there are a few dozen in the Scout Hall...

Shooshh, Josh !!!

The scrap metal thieves will now come-a-looking !

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 3:35 pm
by postwarblue
There was a big sale one Old Blues Day a while back. I bouight a settle and it fits very snugly behind the sloping back of a sofa. I don't know how one ages a settle, but I believe they go back ages and in fact were brought down to Horsham from London along with the iron bed frames.

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:39 pm
by michael scuffil
There are pictures of London wards where the settles are clearly identifiable. In principle I imagine they could date to 1553, but I think they probably date to around 1800.

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 12:31 pm
by Avon
Oh, but they were crap. Functional, inelegant, lumpen, shonky rubbish - the sort of thing that gets made in prison.

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 10:59 pm
by DavebytheSea
But I have craved one for years .........

.... trouble is I cannot get out of the CH habit of chucking clothes into the settle as I undress. Without a settle to embrace them, they just end on the floor and Judith complains. Please, please help me to find a settle and save my marriage.

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 8:35 pm
by kerrensimmonds
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Keep an eye on eBay, David....... (and your cheque book at the ready)

Re: Old Beds, Settles Etc

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 9:16 pm
by DavebytheSea
I may need a nudge - but thank you Kerren.