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6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 2:17 pm
by Atticus
There is a lavishly illustrated 6 page article in today's Telegraph newspaper magazine. I have only just bought it, and won't get to read it until later, but one thing really leaps out at me. There are only two photos of girls. Looking at the photos, you would think that CH is a boys school !!

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:54 pm
by jhopgood
It was written by Jessica Salter whose father was at CH. Photos were by someone else and were from a selection he took at various schools so illustrative but not taken specifically for the article. She does interview a girl.
Be interested in reaction to the article.

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 7:40 pm
by cstegerlewis
And modesty prevents JH mentioning he is quoted too?

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:42 pm
by MW224
I enjoyed reading the article very much. Loved the photos of the boys reading. Interesting to read 'fee payers' (I assume full fee or near full fee payers) will be capped at 20% in order to maintain ethos of school. I thought that was positive, still wanting to give the opportunity to those who cannot afford the full fees but being realistic about needing literally every penny for the £20 million a year it costs to run the school.
Also enjoyed reading that pupils at CH are not interested in whose parents pay and whose don't.Just how it should be in my opinion.
It was quite a happy twee article, very positive and well.... great advertising for the school. There was also and ad for CH in the same paper today.

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 9:40 pm
by keibat
It was a pity that in all the pictures (which were fun), there seemed to be only 1 girl shown.

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2012 10:56 pm
by jhopgood
cstegerlewis wrote:And modesty prevents JH mentioning he is quoted too?
I have yet to discover exactly why I was contacted rather than anyone else, I assume because of my OB editor role, but my few words included were the result of a half hour phone conversation when I was sitting in my house in Alicante.
She was very interested in whether full fee payers would change the nature of the school, but personally, I don't think it will. To the best of my knowledge there have always been a few full fee payers, and it is not a late initiative as she seems to indicate.
BTW, I left in 1966, not 1969. Not sure how to take that. Maybe my voice is younger than my body.

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 3:40 pm
by keibat
Btw/ — forgive my ignorance — but yes, I've now spotted girl #2 lurking in the background. But when do the girls wear yellow and when grey stockings? Looking at other pictures, it doesn't for example simply go with best dress and everyday, as my wife has a photo she dug up from somewhere showing two boys and a girl in everyday (girl with bands not ruff) but yellow socks.
My father in law commented: "Glad to still see the yellow stockings -- it's important to hold down disease!"
Moreover the picture on the CH website about the recent featuring of the Housey uniform by NatWest ... -children/
has girls in grey and boys in yellow — whereas the picture on the NatWest site ... iform.html
has both boys and girls in yellow.
— Baffled from Barnes-B-as-was

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 4:11 pm
I asked at school when we went to the 40 year on gathering.
Girls wear grey with their summer uniform and yellow with their winter uniform. Winter uniform is adopted after the half term coming.

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 4:43 pm
by Vonny
Back in my day ( :lol: ) the juniors wore yellow socks and seniors wore grey tights. Everyone had to wear yellow socks for "special" occasions as far as I remember.

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:25 pm
by jhopgood
Headmaster's comment on seeing first photo.
"Why hasn't he got his bands on correctly?"

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:01 am
by Mrs C.
Junior girls wear yellow. senoirs grey, except for special occassions when all wear yellow.........

Re: 6 page article in today's Telegraph magazine

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 11:18 am
by J.R.
jhopgood wrote:Headmaster's comment on seeing first photo.
"Why hasn't he got his bands on correctly?"

That's always one of my 'moans' when I visit the school.

Wouldn't have happened in our day, John !