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When do you stop giving birthday presents?

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 9:14 pm
by ailurophile
My mum has announced to her four grandsons that she intends to stop giving them birthday presents after this year (when two of them will reach 21, and two 18) because she considers them grown up* - she says that all her friends have done the same. I must admit I've never really thought about the matter until now, and I'll probably continue to give small gifts to my nephews at least as long as they're still in education (although I do have a friend who still sends birthday money to a niece who's a 30-something doctor, which is perhaps going a little too far!!).

So, knowing that there are a number of grandparents on this Forum, I'm interested - what do you think? Is there a 'norm'?

(* I should add that there's been no suggestion of any mutual agreement not to give presents to granny, and she's been 'grown up' since 1950!!)

Re: When do you stop giving birthday presents?

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:55 pm
by Mid A 15
ailurophile wrote:My mum has announced to her four grandsons that she intends to stop giving them birthday presents after this year (when two of them will reach 21, and two 18) because she considers them grown up* - she says that all her friends have done the same. I must admit I've never really thought about the matter until now, and I'll probably continue to give small gifts to my nephews at least as long as they're still in education (although I do have a friend who still sends birthday money to a niece who's a 30-something doctor, which is perhaps going a little too far!!).

So, knowing that there are a number of grandparents on this Forum, I'm interested - what do you think? Is there a 'norm'?

(* I should add that there's been no suggestion of any mutual agreement not to give presents to granny, and she's been 'grown up' since 1950!!)
My grandson is nearly two so not a question I've considered as a grandparent.

However as an uncle I have given presents up to and including 18, the 18th being relatively generous, stopped and then bought another generous present for the 21st with a view to now stopping permanently although I will continue to send a birthday card. My other nephews and nieces are all still under 18 so still get a present but I plan to do the same when they are old enough.

Re: When do you stop giving birthday presents?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 1:09 pm
by J.R.
OK - I'm WELL qualified for this one !

Four Grand-Children, from seventeen upwards. Eldest GD has been married since last September.

We STILL give small token gifts. Not so much because it's expected of us, but because we demonstrate our love for them.

Not sure if this'll help you, or not !

Re: When do you stop giving birthday presents?

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 6:58 pm
by sejintenej
From the age of ten (with one exception) I got nothing from anyone; I suspect I got nothing before that. When I was 21 I was given a present by a son of the people who took me in when I was orphaned.

Re: When do you stop giving birthday presents?

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 4:18 pm
by J.R.
sejintenej wrote:From the age of ten (with one exception) I got nothing from anyone; I suspect I got nothing before that. When I was 21 I was given a present by a son of the people who took me in when I was orphaned.

That's SO nice, David !

Re: When do you stop giving birthday presents?

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 3:55 pm
by Kit Bartlett
My six grandchildren range from age 15 to 27, None are yet married so we continue to send presents, usually money, which will
probably cease if and when they reach this state.

Re: When do you stop giving birthday presents?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 1:11 pm
by ailurophile
Thanks JR and Kit. To be honest my mum has never been much good at remembering or recognizing the grandchildren’s birthdays, and I suspect that they’d hardly have noticed a difference if she hadn’t specifically flagged up a ‘change’ of policy!! But to me it feels as though she’s just been waiting for an excuse not to bother, and I’m really not convinced by the justification that all her friends do the same!

Re: When do you stop giving birthday presents?

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 5:03 pm
by pinkhebe
I get birthday presents from my husband's grandparents!