Bash camps

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Bash camps

Post by rockfreak »

The latest report from the IICSA focuses on abuse that has taken place under CofE auspices. And much regretted by the Rev Oilwelby (as Private Eye calls him because of a previous connection with the oil industry) who was seen again on the evening news doing the mea culpa. But how many of these abuses took place in connection with the boarding schools?
The book to read on all this is Robert Verkaik's "Posh Boys" where he covers in gory detail the antics that went on under the Iwerne Trust which was founded by evangelical Christians called John Smyth and Eric Nash (whose nickname was Bash, for reasons which will become obvious), and they specialised in luring pupils from the sixth forms of our top public schools to their camp (fnurg) ministry where they attended boarding camps and were subjected to, er, camp activities.
Many were befriended by Smyth and many were groomed and beaten savagely for confessing to sins of masturbation, being told that they had to "bleed for Jesus". Verkaik says that Smyth and Bash recruited boys who were charismatic, athletic or smart enough to go to Oxbridge. This got me thinking as to how smart they actually were. I pondered that even before the age of 18 or 19 (and not going to Oxbridge) if someone had told me that I should bleed for Jesus for having had a quick w*nk I would have thought it all a bit rum. Rather predictably the late Rev Peter B*llock cropped up again in last night's news bulletin as one of the perpetrators. We know from investigations into all this that Bishop B*llock had links with a great many public schools (including I believe CH) where he was involved in confirmation or supposedly pastoral work (of what sort?).
Verkaik makes the point that although there is no evidence that Rev Oilwelby knew about any of this, a side issue is the CofE Archbishop's previous connection with Holy Trinity Brompton, the country's HQ of evangelical looniness. Speaking in tongues, faintings in the spirit of the Lord, healings and miracles. Sometimes, taking things too much on faith fed to you by your elders can lead you into strange situations. Ouch! Yaroo!
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