Update on 2nd gathering as part of mediation

This section was setup in August 2018 in order to move the existing related discussions from other sections into this new section to group them together, and separate from the other CH-related topics.

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Chris Grady
3rd Former
Posts: 25
Joined: Sat Sep 14, 2019 11:31 am
Real Name: Chris Grady

Update on 2nd gathering as part of mediation

Post by Chris Grady »

On Sat 19th Nov Lia Shimada hosted a 2nd Gathering for victims of criminal abuse, available to past students of Horsham and Hertford. Approximately 15 people attended, including some partners/supporters, spanning a period 1970s to 1990s. It was an opportunity to meet old friends who had shared experiences of Christs Hospital. For many, it was also an opportunity to feel less alone through sharing, for example, the trauma of going through a Court case. To know that they are not alone, and to be able to share very personal stories in a safe environment was immensely appreciated. No representatives from the School staff/heirachy were present, and that will remain a very clear requirement for future gatherings in 2023. If you were a victim of criminal abuse during your time at either Horsham or Hertford and have not yet spoken with Lia Shimada, our independent mediator, please feel free to contact her at listeningch@gmail.com so she can share the date for the next gathering.
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