The central line, district line and hammersmith & lines are directly next to the university campus. And there are billions of London buses zooming around so traveling is quick. At the moment it's £9 for a weekly bus pass.
The university has an on campus pub/bar so for those of you who need a pint at any point during the day are free do so between lectures. The bar also has weekly bands/comedians/stuff running which I think is pretty good.
There are 2 locations for halls, 1 of which is on the actual campus. It's just been made 3 times bigger I think so it's all spangly new. The costs for the halls vary between £90 and £115ish, depending on whether you want them to get you food, and whether you're willing to share a bathroom or not. (Come on you've shared for 7 years!)
The people are friendly and relaxed. I'll admit it's not the oxbridge standard, so you'll find people below you intellectually. But trust me, no matter how smart you are there will definately be people above. At ch everyone does A levels because that's what is expected of you. The people at university are different because they have made a decision to go further with their education. So no university is an easy ride. Come do my courseworks if you think otherwise...

My computer science department is excellent. My course has it's own computer building which only we can use. The libary is big enough to get lost in, and has good media/computer capabilities. And being part of the University of London means we can nip off to any other UoL libary.
I think the clubs and organisations are slightly limited. Most universities offer 20 to 25 different types of martial arts whereas qmul only offer half a dozen.

If you want any more details then feel free to contact me: